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Eicosane 99%

  • Item #: 500981
  • cas: 112˗95˗8
  • ec: 204˗018˗1
Pack Size Price/kg Quantity of packs
1kg $430.00
5kg $295.00
10kg $265.00
Pricing is subject to change, and product availability is not guaranteed.


Yes No
Food Grade x
Kosher x
Halal x
Listed on CA Prop. 65 x
TSCA Listed x
US Natural x
EU Natural x

Approved Use

Yes No
EU x
China x
Canada x
Japan x
Korea x
Philippines x
Australia & New Zealand x


Chemical Formula: C20H42
Molecular Weight: 282.56
Assay/Purity: PURITY (BY GC) 99-100
Flash Point: > 200°F (93°C)
Shelf Life: 36 MONTHS

Tariff Information

HTS Tariff Code: 2901.10.4000
Schedule B Tariff Code: 2901.10.1020

Safety Data

Signal Word: Danger
Hazard Statement: May be fatal if swallowed and enters airways. Precautionary Statement: -PREVENTION- Observe good industrial hygiene practices.
-RESPONSE- IF SWALLOWED: Immediately call a POISON CENTER/doctor. Do NOT induce vomiting.
-STORAGE- Store locked up.
-DISPOSAL- Dispose of contents/container in accordance with local/regional/national/international regulations.

Transportation information

Not regulated as dangerous goods.
Not regulated as dangerous goods.
Not regulated as dangerous goods.
Not regulated as dangerous goods.
Not regulated as dangerous goods.
See SDS for full transportation information on this product

Handling and Storage

Yes No
Requires Melting x
Prolonged Heat Warning x
Store Refrigerated x
Ship Refrigerated x
Nitrogen Blanket x

Allowable Packaging

Contact our Regulatory department for allowable packaging for this product.