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Caproic Acid Natural (Decanoic Acid)

Item#: 500560  CAS: 334-48-5  FEMA: 2364
Odor Strength: Medium
Odor: Unpleasant, Rancid, Sour, Goat, Soapy, Waxy, Fruity

Capric Acid is a fatty acid found in saturated fats. While it is mostly in tropical oils, like coconut and palm kernel oil, it is also present in cow’s milk and goat’s milk. This fatty acid works as an anti-viral, as well as boots energy, and promotes weight loss. In the fragrance and flavor industries, it is often used to make esters for perfumes or fruit flavors, or create creamy/dairy-like characters for products like milk chocolate.

Fun Fact:

When combined with other medium-chain triglycerides, it is responsible for the health benefits attributed to coconut oil in particular.


Caproic Acid Natural (Decanoic Acid)


If you are interested in seeing a sample or placing an order, please email Marietta Zino at or call 570-422-6022.