Cumin Oil
Item#: 500101 CAS: 8014-13-9 FEMA: 2343 Odor Strength: Medium Odor Description: Cumin, spicy, green, fatty, sweaty, herbal, aldehydic Taste Description: Cumin, spicy, green,…
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Item#: 500101 CAS: 8014-13-9 FEMA: 2343 Odor Strength: Medium Odor Description: Cumin, spicy, green, fatty, sweaty, herbal, aldehydic Taste Description: Cumin, spicy, green,…
Item#: 504286 CAS: 8007-08-7 FEMA # 2522 Odor Strength: Medium Odor Description: Ginger, citrus, earthy, terpene, camphoreous, spicy, woody Taste Description: Ginger, sweet,…
Item#: 501251 CAS: 84696-15-1 FEMA: 2521 Odor Strength: Medium Odor Description: Spicy, Ginger, Sweet, Clean Taste Description: Ginger Ginger is a type of…
Item#: 500054 CAS: 8000-42-8 FEMA: 2238 Odor Strength: Medium Odor Description: Fresh, Herbal, Spicy, Minty, Rye, Seedy, Carrot, Carvone, Balsamic Taste Description: Herbal,…
Item#: 500083 CAS: Mixture Odor Strength: Medium Odor Description: Spicy, Woody, Balsamic, Minty, Peppery, Phenolic, Powdery, Aromatic Clove bud oil is widely used…
Item#: 508384 CAS: 1139-30-6 Odor Strength: Medium Odor: Woody, Dry, Spicy, Fresh Caryophyllene-Oxide Natural is a bicyclic sesquiterpene that can be found in…
Item#: 508006 CAS: 6753-98-6 Odor Strength: Medium Odor: Woody, Oceanic-Watery, Spicy-Clove The compound Humulene is a common, naturally occurring monocyclic sesquiterpene that was initially derived from…
Item#: 500151 CAS: 470-82-6 FEMA: 2465 Odor Strength: Strong Odor: Minty, Cooling, Camphoreus, Medicinal Flavor: Minty, Cooling, Medicinal, Clean, Herbal Eucalyptol is a naturally occurring colorless liquid, derived from Eucalyptus…
Item#: 504286 CAS: 8007-08-7 FEMA: 2522 Odor: Fresh, Spicy, Sweet, Hot, Woody, Terpenic Ginger Oil Chinese is the steam distilled derivative of the crude oil extracted from…
Item#: 507522 CAS: 68647-73-4 FEMA: 3902 Odor: Spicy, Pine, Terpenic, Warm Tea Tree oil Australian 100% Pure is an aromatherapy-grade oil, imported directly from the source in Australia….